How much can someone sue for a car accident in Huntsville, TX?
If you have been injured in an automobile accident in the Huntsville, TX area, you’ll be pleased to learn that there are no legal limits on the amount of financial compensation you may be able to recover. While the state of Texas does limit the amount of compensation payable for medical malpractice claims, both economic and non-economic damages for car accidents are not limited. While this is great news for anyone entitled to compensation after an auto accident in Texas, it can still be tough to say for certain how much you may be able to collect. A good car accident attorney, experienced in automobile accident law, may be able to not only obtain a realistic estimate, but they can also help you to get the most, if not all, of what you’re entitled to.
In 2008, the Insurance Information Institute determined that the national average payout for auto accident claims was approximately $4000. According to them, when bodily injuries are involved, the average payout is nearly $16,000.
But every automobile accident is unique. The extent and type of damage, the severity and types of injuries, and associated expenses and losses can have a significant effect on what you can expect to collect. Knowing how much you can expect to collect is important. It can help you plan your next set of decisions. It can help you decide how much time to take off work, figure out what expenses you should cut, plan for recovery time for injuries, and more. Your auto accident lawyer Huntsville can help you learn the amount you are likely to collect, although predictions and estimates are not a guarantee. To learn more about this important issue, get in touch with a qualified auto accident lawyer in Huntsville today, or read on for more.
Why You Should Consult a Car Accident Attorney Huntsville
Dallas, Texas is one of the most dangerous locations in the US for drivers, and Houston, Texas isn’t far behind. Located on Highway 45 between those two major cities, Huntsville is exposed to the worst roadway hazards of both.
Most automobile accidents come with financial losses. However, not every car accident automatically results in a payable legal claim.
The cost of injuries, property damage, and time off work can trigger rapidly rising financial costs.
There are a wide range of factors contributing to the value of a car crash settlement, including the severity of your medical needs.
These are just the start of the many reasons why it is so important to have an experienced car accident lawyer represent your interests.
Before you file your claim, it is best to review the legal issues relevant to your accident and understand the cause of your crash. Questions you will need your auto accident attorney to help you answer include;
- The amount of compensation you can expect
- What your claim is actually worth
- Is it worth your while to pursue your claim
- Will you need to stand trial or is an out of court settlement likely
Because there is such a wide range of factors determining the answer to these and related questions, an auto accident attorney Huntsville will be needed to help you sort them all out.
Issues Surrounding Liability Insurance
After being involved in an automobile accident, most drivers will need to deal with an auto insurance company. The compensation you can expect to collect will depend on the factors mentioned above. But it will also depend on the specifics of your insurance policy. According to Texas law, drivers are required to meet certain minimum insurance requirements.
Drivers are required to have no less than $30,000 of insurance coverage for the injuries of every potential person up to $60,000 involved in an accident. Drivers are also required to have $25,000 to cover potential property damage. Drivers involved in multiple-vehicle accidents who do not have sufficient coverage may not be able to collect the coverage they need. Drivers with only the minimum of liability insurance frequently fall into this problematic category.If you find yourself in this predicament, and you believe that the other driver is at fault, you may still be able to cover your costs by collecting damages by filing a legal claim. In this instance, you will need a car accident lawyer Huntsville to represent your interests.
Of course, this leads us to the problem of dealing with an uninsured, at-fault driver. Despite the clear minimum requirements provided by Texas law, some drivers continue to drive without sufficient coverage. Worse, some choose to drive with no insurance coverage at all. In instances where it is the at fault driver who is uninsured, your only option will be to file a personal injury lawsuit. Still, it should be borne in mind that you will most likely not be able to collect damages from the uninsured driver.
In this case, your auto insurance policy probably includes uninsured motorist coverage. Unless you have specifically declined such coverage, it most likely is included in your policy. In most cases, you would have had to inform your insurance company in writing that you wish to decline such coverage. If you have not written and sent such a notice, you will almost certainly have uninsured motorist coverage in your policy, and you’ll be glad you do.
This brings us to the question of whether a driver who is at fault can sue. Texas is what is called a modified comparative fault driver state. This means that fault is attributed proportionally. For example, one driver may be determined to be 40% at fault, in which case the other would likely be 60% at fault. This means that a driver can still collect compensation if he or she is 51% at fault or less. A driver who is considered to be 50% at fault or more will not be permitted to recover damages.
Should you be determined to share some percentage of the fault, the amount of damages you will be permitted to recover will be reduced. This reduction in compensation recoverable will be proportional to your level of fault. For example, if you were determined to be 40% at fault, then your damages will be reduced by that same percentage. Therefore, if you suffered $100,000 in damages, then the amount you will be able to recover will be no greater than $60,000.
Determining degrees of fault can be a big challenge and almost always calls for the expertise of a good auto accident attorney, especially in Huntsville, TX.
Factors Determining How Much You Can Sue For
Of course, sorting out all of those details will require the services of an experienced auto accident lawyer in Huntsville. But there is still more. There are many potential factors that must be accounted for when determining the value of your case. These include but are not limited to:
- The amount of time an injury can be expected to affect you
- Whether or not your injuries are permanent
- To what degree your injuries will hinder your ability to make a living
- The affect your injuries have on your quality of life
- The expected costs of medical treatment
The total monetary costs of your injuries, damage to property, and pain and suffering will all be important factors in deciding how much your case is worth. In an accident involving multiple parties, the fault may be divided between drivers, but it can also be partially shared by yet other parties and even by factors beyond the control of either driver. These factors and entities include:
- The owner of the premises where the accident occurred
- A government agency or organization
- The vehicle manufacturer
- A vehicle parts manufacturer
- An automotive technician
- A trucking company
As you can see, there are a multitude of factors that must be considered together in order to determine the value of your auto accident claim. You will need to work with an experienced and reputable car accident lawyer in order to be able to arrive at a reasonable amount to claim when establishing your case. Damages your Huntsville car accident attorney can pursue on your behalf include:
- Immediate medical costs
- Future medical costs
- Reduced income
- Lost income
- Pain and suffering
- Property damage
- Emotional distress
- Lost consortium
- Reduced life enjoyment
- Wrongful deaths
Of course, every auto accident is as unique as each person involved in it. The total losses and effects such an incident can have on a person can be very difficult to categorize or anticipate. The loss of a loved one, permanent injury, lost income, and more can all add up to a tragedy of incalculable scale.
The emotional and medical issues you may be dealing with after an automobile accident in Huntsville, TX are another reason working with an auto accident attorney is so important. Your legal representative can do the legal footwork necessary to assemble your case. During this time, dealing with public servants and navigating the legal system by yourself would be intolerable. Your auto accident lawyer will shoulder this burden for you, giving you invaluable time and space in which to begin to recover.